Based on the the popular manga/anime franchise, the 3rd installment of Power of Chaos for the PC pits you against Joey, Yugi’s long-time good friend and dueling rival. Build your deck with hundreds of new cards and challenge Joey or test your dueling skill with a real-life duelist over a LAN. Destiny awaits on your PC with Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion. Head-to-head LAN play: the first ever LAN dueling with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game -- duel against Joey to collect over 450 additional cards and build up your collection. A built-in tutorial mode teaches advanced strategy and techniques. The original trading card art is faithfully reproduced and the game even includes three exclusive Trading Card Game cards.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/Me/2000/98SE
450 MHz Pentium II (or equivalent)
128 MB RAM
DirectX 8.1-compliant video card
DirectX 8.1-compliant sound card
DirectX 8.1 or higher (DirectX 9.0 included on disc)
CD-ROM drive
500 MB free hard-drive space
Keyboard and mouse